Delivering customer value
Your mobile app must work across a wide range of platforms, deliver unique value to users, and provide a wow experience.
Mobile Apps
Toll Transitions - Inventory Condition Report Android Tablet App
The Toll Transitions eICR Android Tablet App was designed and built by Contactpoint, and successfully deployed for use by removalist suppliers to Toll across Australia.
The app manages the authentication of removalists, collection of inventory for relocation of Toll's client's personnel, including the condition of each inventory item. The inventory follows the
customer from pickup, potentially to alternate vehicles, storage, and finally delivery to their destination location. Numerous techniques were designed and built within the app to ensure an easy
and fast to use solution, minimising error rates. The implementation was a significant change for a wide number of users of varying comfort with technology, moving from paper based carbon forms
to tablet technology.
Contactpoint subsequently updated the app for higher resolution Android hardware.