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Current Job Openings: Digital Marketer
We are currently hiring to fill a Digital Marketer position in our growing digital marketing team. We are looking for a person who is passionate about helping businesses grow using the full range of digital marketing tactics.
As part of our dynamic team, you will be an important part of delivering value to our clients, and will have a 'seat at the table'. You will also have many opportunities to grow your skills across a wide range of digital marketing tactics that we employ for our clients.
To receive more details about the position, please email us.
We had a general idea of what we wanted and they made it a reality; knowing exactly what we needed. We are thrilled with our new website and all the work the Contactpoint team put in. They are extremely knowledgeable and easy to work with.
Terry & Megan Byron
We can't wait to hear from you!
Let's explore how you can contribute to our passion to helping our clients grow using technology.