Launching custom technology

requires a maestro to orchestrate all the skills and tasks required for success.

Enudge - SaaS Platform designed, built and supported by Contactpoint since 2006

Contactpoint designed and built Enudge in 2006 in order to make it easier for businesses to keep top of their customer’s minds through regular email and SMS communication. Making the creation of regular, professional, and measurable communications quick and easy was a very important goal. At the time, the available solutions were few, and they were difficult to use.

In 2006, when we first designed, planned and built Enudge, the marketplace was largely unaware of the existence or need for an email service provider. That meant our initial marketing needed to educate our potential customers, as well as encourage them to try it out. This was also long before the current trend of subscription services.

Over the years, we have been delighted to grow the use of Enudge, continue to enhance the solution alongside the forever changing technology landscape, as well as provide great customer service to our end users.

Our personal knowledge of what it takes to design, build, market, enhance and support Enudge stands us in good stead to help you to create your own SaaS platform or other custom technology solution.

Sign up for a free trial of Enudge now!

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