

Blogs about 'Website Creation'

Holidays are great. They’re a fantastic way to relax, explore new places, spend time with the people you love and we all want to immortalise those great moments in our holiday snaps. However, as great as those photos are to us as individuals, how often have you looked at another person’s holiday photos and found ...

Following the key points described in the article below will benefit the design of your home page, landing page, or email marketing campaign. Landing Page Design Trends for 2012 – Website Magazine – Website Magazine.


There are people who passionately answer Yes to this question, as well as those who passionately say No, it doesn’t matter – what is more important is the product / price of your goods or service, and that the website is easy to use. In taking this side of the argument, an example is usually ...

In nearly every website we build for clients, we add a footer with Copyright client name and year in it. Recently I was asked to update the year in the footer to the current year for one such website, on the basis that they wanted to appear like the content is fresh. It’s a very ...