

Google GUI update hits Australia today

If you have searched on Google today, with a location in your search terms such as ‘house and land packages melbourne‘ you will have seen that the Google Map is now positioned on the right hand side of the browser and that instead of the website listings related to the map being placed directly beside the map with one line per entry, these listings are now found in amongst the normal organic search results with a full size entry. They are noticeable by the ‘place’ link on the right hand side along with the map pin and address beneath.

In my opinion, these Google Place listings have now become much more valuable than before for your search engine position.

You will also see that some Google Place listings also have a ‘review’ listing beside them, allowing searchers to read other people’s comments about your business. Anyone with a Google account (easy enough to create) can post their comments and choose a number of stars about the business.

From an SEO point of view, it will be very useful to have relevant keywords in amongst the reviews about your business, as it is likely that Google will use the words in the reviews to help decide which order to show Google Places listings for a specific search. You may need to recommend to your clients which particular keywords to use in their review.

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