Ishan Geeganage commenced programming in iOS and Android app development in 2012, and joined Contactpoint in 2018, bringing a wealth of knowledge
in both mobile app and web application development.
Ishan's technical skills spans native and cross platform app development, as well as websites and web applications across a variety of platforms. Mobile app development requires a
wide array of skills, from user interface implementation across multiple screen sizes and app technologies, through to API development and integration with 3rd party APIs.
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Qualifications & Awards / Certifications:
- Bachelor Science (Special Honours) in Information Technology, Sri Lanka 2012.
Recent Work
- Developed frontend screens in VueJS for a large web application built in the AWS cloud, interacting with Lamda APIs.
- Built a native app for iOS Phone and iPad to receive bluetooth data from weighing equipment to assist people in the agricultural sector to manage loads of produce, and email / SMS / print load data.
- Developed a SaaS product, comprising AWS backend (GraphQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Cognito, Amazon API Gateway), and mobile app frontend in ReactNative app for Android and iOS, to assist parents and care givers to monitor and record the medicines and treatment given to their loved ones.
- Built a native app for Android and iOS to receive bluetooth data from a device used by the plumbing industry, providing plumbers with additional warning (sound and vibration) of potential hazards in their work environment.