Jimmy (Anh) Bui is a Full Stack Developer who relishes overcoming challenging technology problems and has been programming since 2012. Jimmy concentrates on the frontend utilising
languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript and also has a special passion for animation.
Jimmy has developed a wide variety of applications, including web applications and mobile apps, using Javascript languages and frameworks such as VueJS, jQuery, Ajax, Angular, ReactJS and
ReactNative; PHP languages and PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Lumen; and C# languages and frameworks such as Unity engine, ASP.Net MVC and Umbraco.
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Qualifications & Awards / Certifications:
- Bachelors Degree in Animation, Deakin, 2019
- Bachelors Degree in Information Systems, Hoa Sen University, 2012
Recent Work
- Development of a booking engine web application built on the AWS cloud, incorporating complex UIs for a modern user interface.
- Development of a VueJS desktop application which designs protocols to drive a centrifuge in a medical lab, compiling with ElectronJS, and incorporating sophisticated HTML CSS animation.
- Development of an iPad Pro application to process MIDI files and extract musical information, prior to displaying the notes on screen for user interaction, using VueJS and Cordova.